
Dragon Manifestation

Every year, I choose a few entities to take with us on our annual Halloween "Spooktacular" event. This year, I choose to take 3 of our most well behaved Dragons!
One of the events hosted by "Spooktacular" this year was a train ride through the park.
The kids were all excited and could not wait to go! We stood in line for almost an hour!
The train carries 60 people. The cars are all open, canopy covered cars.

During the whole event, the trick or treating, the games, the snacks, etc, I could feel the dragons pulsating with energy! If you've never felt the energy of a dragon, its something that you should definitely consider experiencing! Its amazing and something that no other entitiy or spirit can do!

So anyway, we're on this train with 4 small children, my sister, my husband and myself, along with about 53 other people. I could feel one Dragon in particular coming and going through her vessel. It would get warm and then cool. Warm as she entered and cool as she left. This went on for several minutes!

The ride was quiet. People were enjoying the view of the park scenery. In the dark, im sure its a whole new experience for most of them and probably a bit scary for the young kids. The sound of the clickety-clack of the train as it rode down the tracks was soothing.
Then, a lady about 4 seats in front of us says "Wow! Look at that! What is it?" 8 rows up, near the rear of the car in front of us a mist was beginning to form!
It was apx 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. It was swirly and very femanine looking (if you can imagine a mist being girly).
I realized, all of a sudden that we were witnissing something amazing! The manifestation of a dragon in a crowd!!
Immedietely I called her back to her vessel! The mist disappated as quickly as it appeared.

I was ultimately nervous and excited about the whole thing. This is afterall, an age where witches are not widely accepted in my part of the world. Would all 60 people belive that they had witnessed a paranormal event? And of all nights, on Halloween?
To my surprise, and luck, one of the men near the front row concluded that the train was set up with a fog machine but that it must be malfunctioning.

The rest of the train ride went on without fuss. As we were getting off the train, a woman approached the conductor as he was getting out of the engine and commented that his fog machine might be broken. Of course, there was no fog machine and enough people heard him say so.

I can only imagine that the manifestation will be the subject of many conversations this week, or perhaps a life time!


Being a Fairy Keeper

Being a fairy keeper for over half my life, I have learned that it is not always as easy as one would think.

I am constantly on the look out for tools of the Fairy Keepers Trade. Potential vessels, scented candles, incense, small stones, nesting boxes, beads and trinkets that I think they may like. It’s a never ending task, especially when you have hundreds of little friends to care for.

Being a fairy keeper is a passion. I do not recommend it for the frivolous.

Fairies live everywhere. There are fairies that dwell in lakes, in the sea, in forests, in fields, in trees, in hills, in gardens, in sub-below zero temperatures, you name it!

Like all other creatures, there are good and evil fae. Those that are good in nature can be extremely devoted to the human race. However, those that are not…well, they can be pretty nasty.

There are literally, hundreds of fairy breeds and over time, we will blog about as many as we can:)


Collecting Dragons

Dragons are creatures of diversity.

There are those who have chosen the right handed path of purity and goodness and those who have chosen to walk a darker path.

They have always been a very coveted species and especially so in the last century. Much to the dismay of the metaphysical society, many of the old school Dragon collectors are now referred to as Dragon Hoarders. As some of the Dragon Breeds have dwindled during the last several hundred years, Dragon collectors have been brought into the limelight in order to supply the high demand for these entities.

Dragons are held in high regard for their many wonderful characteristics. Their magical aptitude, ability to generate wealth, phenomenal psychic abilities, wisdom, and devotion to the human race can be compared to none.

Working in the Draconic Traditions is not a path for those who are frivolous. Dragons expect devotion, respect, and a permanent place within your heart.

Dragons, with such a vast array of abilities, can pretty much manifest in any way they choose. The most common manifestations are shadows within shadows, changes in air temperature (sometimes to an extreme), shards and streaks of light, blurs or shimmers in the air.

Their most common form of communication is via telepathy but they will adapt to the ways in which their human companion is skilled.

There is a new rumor circulating the internet that ALL dragons love sea glass. Water dragons certainly have a fondness for anything that comes from the sea. However, not all of the species love it. And finding REAL sea glass is very difficult!! 99.9% of the stuff you find on the internet (especially ebay) is man made & not the real thing! So please be careful when buying this stuff. Do your research:)


There are so many controversial articles on Djinn floating around on the internet these days.

It is very important to know the true facts about this race before getting involved with something you do not understand or have experience with.

There are 6 major tribes of Djinn. They are, Jann, Jinn, Marid, Shaitan, Ifrit, and the Ghul.

Long before our time, the Djinn Lord had a vision of a scythe splitting a Djinn in half. He took this as a sign of the destruction of the Djinn race. In order to survive, he instructed the Djinn that they must either choose to live in peace with the mortals or go against them.

The elders of both the Jinn and the Jann decided to befriend the mortals.
The Marids were proud beings and decided to give each Marid the option to do what they wished.
However, the Shaitan, Ifrit and the Ghul were totally corrupted by demonic powers and decided to go against the mortals in which ever way they could.

Since that time however, the race of Djinn has evolved. Tribe no longer has anything to do with whether a Djinn is good or evil. Each entitiy has chosen their own path! Each tribe is made up of clans & some clans are belivers and followers of religion and others are not.

They, like us, are creatures of free will. And just like us humans, when their day comes, they will have to answer for their actions.

Having a Djinn within your fold is nothing like the movies portray. This is not Hollywood people. Contrary to what you may think, you will not wake up one morning to find yourself in a beautiful mansion or a new car in the garage.
What you may find is, yourself with an overwhelming urge to pull into a casino, buy a scratch ticket, or even enter a contest. You could find yourself with new opportunities popping up by the dozens. Or perhaps you will receive a raise or a promotion.

If you think these things will come to you without you having to do your part, you are mistaken.

In order for a Djinn to manifest your desires, the circumstances have to be just right. You will not find yourself with a large inheritance if no one in your family has passed. You will not win the lottery if you do not play. You, more than likely, will not win on scratch tickets or games of chance every time you play.

When asking for gifts of a magick or psychic nature, please be aware that, yes, you may have to work at them before they come full circle. Other times, the gifts may come so fast that they will be overwhelming at first.

Remember the laws of Karma and the 3 Fold Rule. Do not, no matter how much you really want to, wish accidents or ill will unto people that have pissed you off in life. Think out your wishes and make sure that you are asking for something you really want.

Be sure, when considering the adoption of a Djinn, or any spirit for that matter, that you will keep that entity forever or at least make sure that they are passed on to someone who will treasure them for a lifetime.
It is all too common to find cast off spirits in our line of work. Collecting spirits is a passion, not a phase.

On communicating with your new companion...Djinn will try to communicate with ther human companions in ways that will work for both parties. Dreams, Subliminal thought, intuition, signs, during meditation, etc.

But do keep in mind that there are certain factors that can affect communication. Your natural abilities, blockages, medications, stress, belief, energy in the household, etc. Its very important that you work on your communication skills if you sense that there are problems.

Eventually, you will experience a physical manifestation of some sort. Not all Djinn manifest in our realm, but all are capable of it. Light hazes, balls or streaks of light, blurs or shimmers in the air, temperature changes, thickness in the air, shadows, knocks, whispers, footsteps, bells ringing, singing, the heating or cooling of their vessel, color changes in their vessel...these are all things that you may experience at one time or another.

Miracles, although possible, are unlikely. They should not be something that is automatically expected of your Djinn.

Once you decide to bring a Djinn or any entity into your life, do everything in your power to become educated. Read books, look up information online (be aware that not all of this information is reliable but it can often be used simply to learn), talk to your spirits, try to take photos of them in low light (this may take some time but eventually, you will catch something).
Open yourself to a world you never knew existed. Trust me, your life will never be the same!

Caring for your spirits

With all spirits, entities and magickals, there will be a period of adjustment when the energies are introduced to a new atmosphere.
This adjustment period usually lasts about 14 days. For some, less sensitive individuals, this period may be longer. For those who are extremely sensitive to metaphysical energies, there may not be any adjustment period at all.
Things you can do to help this process are:
*Cleansing your home of negative or excess energies before your spirits arrival.
*Meditating with your spirit a few times a week to strengthen & progress the energy merge.
*Wearing and/or carrying the vessel that the energy is housed in as often as possible.
*Communicating with your spirit/entity.
There may be times when you experience light headedness, upset stomach, headaches, hot or cold flashes, mood swings, or general imbalance. These are pretty common side effects when working with new energies. Simply remove the new magickal for the remainder of the day. The following day, work with them periodically, for short amounts of time for as long as it takes for your energies to balance out.
If you find yourself acquiring more than one magickal at a time, work with each one individually for a few weeks to allow for a deeper bond.
Do not use harsh chemicals when wearing or working with any magickal or spirit. Things like Bleach, ammonia, wax strippers, paint thinners, etc. These chemicals can cause the magickal energies to become offset, basically rendering your magickal powerless. Most spirits do not like the residue left behind by such chemicals and will not return to their vessel, leaving you with an empty trinket.
Using certain fragrances, essential oils, incense, colors, soaps, and candles may also help promote things like bonding, showing appreciation, communications, changes in behavior, etc.
Above all else, treat your spirits with respect. Include them in your day to day activities. Even when there are times that you may feel you aren't communicating as well as you would like, make an effort to make them feel like they are an important part of your life.
For more information, you are welcomed at our blessed sanctuary @


What Goes Into a Spell

In the magickal aspect, we often hear the word spell, but how many of us really know what that means?
Im sure many people conjure up fairy tale visions of the little old witch droping "eye of newt" into her bubbling cauldren. But the fact is, a spell is like an onion. It has many "layers."
You have the basic ingredients: candles, oils, incense, herbs, and tools of the trade.
Then You begin pairing the spell & its outcome to the correspondences (colors, day of the week, moon phase, etc). And finally the actual casting process.
Spells vary from an extremely simple process (ie: a wish whispered into the heavens) to month long rituals, observations, & dedications. Either way, we want the outcome to be what we desire.

Its important that you know, there is no right or wrong way to cast a spell!

To start, you need to KNOW why. Are you looking to stabilize your finances? Is it love that you seek? A new job perhaps?
Once you know this, you can look into what correspondences will help bring about the desired goal.
Many practitioners of the craft use herbs, oils, incense, colored candles, & stones to magnify the workings of their spells.
Lists of metaphysical properties for these ingredients can be found on the internet.
Then decide what moonphase works best.
Once you have all of this figured out, Create a circle with salt that is big enough for you to sit in with your spell items. Lay out your herbs, oils, candle, stone, images, and any other items you feel will aid you in your spell working.
Clear your mind, ground and center, then spread your herbs around your candle.
Anoint your candle with the oil you have chosen.
Light your incense and place your stones and/or deity image next to the candle.
State aloud your desire and light the candle.
Now close your eyes and meditate on the outcome of your spell.
Its important that you visualize what you wish to take place, see it becoming reality.
Allow yourself to feel the energies around you as they charge your stone and deity images with your spells potential. When you are ready, open your eyes.
Allow the candle to fully burn out before removing the stone and deity images.
**Make sure that you burn candles in a safe place**
Clean up the herbs and salt, you can use a broom or vacuum.
Remember, it's very important to clean up after you perform magick, so no stray energies are left behind.

For more information, you are welcome to visit our website @