
What Goes Into a Spell

In the magickal aspect, we often hear the word spell, but how many of us really know what that means?
Im sure many people conjure up fairy tale visions of the little old witch droping "eye of newt" into her bubbling cauldren. But the fact is, a spell is like an onion. It has many "layers."
You have the basic ingredients: candles, oils, incense, herbs, and tools of the trade.
Then You begin pairing the spell & its outcome to the correspondences (colors, day of the week, moon phase, etc). And finally the actual casting process.
Spells vary from an extremely simple process (ie: a wish whispered into the heavens) to month long rituals, observations, & dedications. Either way, we want the outcome to be what we desire.

Its important that you know, there is no right or wrong way to cast a spell!

To start, you need to KNOW why. Are you looking to stabilize your finances? Is it love that you seek? A new job perhaps?
Once you know this, you can look into what correspondences will help bring about the desired goal.
Many practitioners of the craft use herbs, oils, incense, colored candles, & stones to magnify the workings of their spells.
Lists of metaphysical properties for these ingredients can be found on the internet.
Then decide what moonphase works best.
Once you have all of this figured out, Create a circle with salt that is big enough for you to sit in with your spell items. Lay out your herbs, oils, candle, stone, images, and any other items you feel will aid you in your spell working.
Clear your mind, ground and center, then spread your herbs around your candle.
Anoint your candle with the oil you have chosen.
Light your incense and place your stones and/or deity image next to the candle.
State aloud your desire and light the candle.
Now close your eyes and meditate on the outcome of your spell.
Its important that you visualize what you wish to take place, see it becoming reality.
Allow yourself to feel the energies around you as they charge your stone and deity images with your spells potential. When you are ready, open your eyes.
Allow the candle to fully burn out before removing the stone and deity images.
**Make sure that you burn candles in a safe place**
Clean up the herbs and salt, you can use a broom or vacuum.
Remember, it's very important to clean up after you perform magick, so no stray energies are left behind.

For more information, you are welcome to visit our website @

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